Workshop for Somali public sector: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning

The Somali team in SDGCap has conducted a four-day workshop: Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning (MEAL) for the Public Sector to enhance Accountability and Transparency. The training workshop targeted key monitoring and evaluation project implementation staff of government officials at federal and state level. The workshop was among the capacity programs of SDGCap, and Benadir University provided support for the workshop implementation. The overall goal of the workshop was to strengthen government oversight in monitoring and reporting on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the overarching goal of enhancing social involvement and a consensual decision-making process among citizens in a transparent manner.
One of the key activities of the SDGCap project in Somalia is workshop of Monitoring, Evaluation, Accountability and Learning for the Public Sector to enhance Accountability and Transparency, the activity is linked to the outcome of the project; public sector institutions contribute towards the attainment of relevant SDGs using a multisectoral approach in an effective, accountable, and transparent way. The workshop was held over the course of four days, and it featured a diverse group of 55 participants from a variety of public institutions working in monitoring and evaluation.
The specific objectives of the workshop were to enable participants to acquire and re-enforce knowledge in results and impact management systems, to equip participants with skills in setting up and implementing results-based monitoring and evaluation systems and to enhance the skills of government oversight who need to research, supervise, manage, plan, implement, monitor, and evaluate developmental projects. Strengthening the public sector’s monitoring and evaluation system is critical for Somalia to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.
The program began with a recitation from the Quran provided by one of the guests, followed by participant introductions. Following were remarks by SDGCap Project Lead Team Coordinator Prof. Hassan, who briefly discussed the project’s aims, collaborations, and activities. The session was officially launched on behalf of the rector by SDGCap advisor Prof. Ahmed Guled.
The workshop combined a series of plenary and group sessions to ensure effective participation in the workshop sessions. The different sessions focused on re-enforcing understanding the role and importance of MEAL in the implementation of developmental projects. Facilitators had also clarified the importance of having MEAL systems within public and how public sector performance should be promoted. More emphasis was also given on how M&E functions can help to promote transparency and accountability.
The facilitators began each session by presenting through a power point presentation and this was followed by clarification on flipchart and short discussions. The group work was to enable participants from various ministries represented share experiences and the challenges they had faced as they implemented different projects and programs.
The PLT team, Dr Hassan and Rage, who organized the workshop, delivered the closing speech and thanked the participants. The SDGCap program coordinator, Nina Viberg, was able to attend the conclusion of the four-day training workshop via zoom and thanked the participants and spoke about the project and collaborations. The rector finished the four-day training course with a vote of appreciation, thanking participants for their attendance.
After assessments from the workshop were made, it could be concluded that the workshop was effective, and the participants had acquired more knowledge and skills. The workshop concluded with a joint reflection by participants, and they were awarded certificates of participation at the end of the program, which were jointly signed by the BU and KI administrations.
The workshop took place, November 21-24, at PRIMIO-palace Hotel, Mogadishu, Somalia.