Sustainable Development Goals Dissemination Workshop in Kampala, Uganda

On 31st of March 2022, a dissemination workshop on linkages in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) project was organized. The purpose was to share key results from the SDG Synergies Workshop held in October 2021 and to trigger discussions on participants’ perceptions of the results from that workshop. There were 20 participants from the previous workshop, representing the Public and Private sectors, Academia, and Civil Society Organizations at the event which took place at Golden Tulip Canaan Hotel in Kampala and organised by the SDGCap Uganda team at Makerere University School of Public Health.
Some of the key results presented included the non-health determinants of Health and the strength of connections between different SDGs in the Ugandan setting. Powerful positive connections between several SDGs were revealed, while negative interactions were also highlighted, indicating the need for multisectoral actions in Uganda. This prompted fruitful discussions on strategies to achieve multisectoral collaborations in Uganda. Important contacts formed in the two workshops between the workshop participants and the project team will inspire next steps within the project and beyond.

Project lead team member Irene Wanyana presenting at the workshop.

Workshop participants representing the public and private sectors, academia, and civil society organizations.