SDGCap project lead team meets in Kampala, Uganda

Beginning of May 2022, the whole project lead team of SDGCap went to Kampala, Uganda for workshops and meetings. During 3 days packed with activities, the team had the chance to meet in person and continue develop the project. The Governing Board of SDGCap also met physically for the first time.
Reception at the Swedish Embassy
The Somali, Ugandan and Swedish team met at a reception at the Swedish embassy. The rector of Benadir University Prof Mahamed Mahamud Hassan Biday and the rector of Karolinska Institutet Prof Ole-Petter Ottersen got a chance to meet and discuss.

Rage Adem, The rector of Benadir University Prof Mahamed Mahamud Hassan Biday, Prof Hassan Nor, Prof Mohamed Fuje, colleague, Rawlance Ndejjo and Irene Wanyana.
Project Lead Team meeting
The Project Lead Team (PLT) met in person and on zoom where each country presented one or two upcoming activities. Lively discussions followed and good input was given to each other. It was very appreciated by the PLT to be able to spend time together to discuss activities.
“The days in Uganda have been exciting. We have gotten the opportunity to interact within the PLT and exchange ideas of how to implement the project. This project is different from other projects I have been part of before. The whole team brings own ideas and think independently as well as together to plan and execute the activities. I hope this will lead to the intended impact of the project and the changes that we would love to see” says Rage Adem, PLT member from Somalia.
Similarities and differences in between activities in the different countries were found and discussed. It was for example discussed if all countries could make use of the Open SDG platform to display SDG progress in the country.
The DRC team is planning a big launch of the multi sectoral platform and is planning meetings with the Minister of Planning, OCDD. The Uganda team is working on different activities on data while the Somalia team has made good contacts with the National Bureau of Statistics.
Qualitative research workshop with Dr Simon Kibira
The PLT got a chance to learn more about qualitative research from expert Dr Simon Kibira. The members worked hands on with the interview transcripts from interviews with SDG workshop participants.

Dr Simon Kibira, expert in qualitative research
Presentation and validation of results from SDG workshop for MISH and Midwize participants
The SDGCap team organized a workshop together with the participants from the MISH and the Midwize programs. Irene Wanyane, Rage Adem and Prof Hassan Nor presented the results from the SDG synergies workshops in Uganda, DRC and Somalia respectively. The participants were thereafter divided into groups depending on which country they came from and discussed the results presented from that country. All groups thereafter presented in plenum and they all agreed about the SDG that was most influential in each country. In Uganda that was SDG 10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries) and in Somalia and DRC it was SDG 16 (Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies). After the workshop the SDGCap team had the possibility to network and form important contacts at a dinner together with the MISH participants and team.
Governing Board meeting
The Governing Board met physically for the first time and had lively discussions about the progress of the project. The meeting was very fruitful, and the Governing Board decided that the project can continue with some more attention to focus and scope.

The PLT and the Governing Board of the SDGCap program. Prof Hassan Nor, Dr Rawlance Ndejje, Prof Rhoda Wanyenze, Prof Mapatano Mala Ali, Dean Desire Mashinda Kulimba, Eng Irene Wanyana, Prof Tobias Alfvén, Dr Mohamed Fuje, Eng Rage Adem, Dr Nina Viberg, Dr Branly Mbunga, Dr Landry Egbende.