The role of the university in the implementation of SDGs in DRC

On December 6, a one day sensitization meeting was held regarding the role of the university in the implementation of the SDGs in DRC. The Rector of the University of Kinshasa (UNIKIN) called on a conference with all the UNIKIN Communities (Professors, scientifics, administratives and students) to discuss. The meeting was led by the Minister of Higher Education with participants from the UNDP and Observatoire Congolais du Développement Durable (OCDD). The DRC team in the project Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Fragile States (SDGCap) presented the newly developed national Dashboard for SDG tracking as a contribution for better monitoring and decisions taken.

Branly Mbunga, Project Lead Team member in Building Capacity for Sustainable Development in Fragile States (SDGCap) presenting the SDG monitor dashboard.