Multisectoral local government district workshop in Uganda

A series of multisectoral workshops on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have been held in Uganda in two local government districts in Uganda: Mayuge and Mukono. The aim of the workshops was to increase the knowledge on the SDGs and enhancing their localization within the district while working across sectors.
Mayuge – September 14-15
The two-day workshop comprised 38 Mayuge District local government leaders and technical people from Mayuge District. One of the objectives was to demonstrate the need for Multisectoral Collaboration across all sectors and departments and to assess key priorities in terms of SDGs within Mayuge District. During these discussions, the district officials appreciated the role played by other sectors in progressing on SDGs and the need to collaborate to achieve the SDGs.

Mayuge District Political Leaders Workshop – November 20-22
The workshop was attended by over 62 district and political local leaders with the aim of increasing knowledge about SDGs and enhancing their localization within the district. During the workshop, several CSOs showcased the different ways political leaders can get involved in addressing development challenges in the district such as the extreme poverty, malnutrition and climate change.
Mukono District Local Government Leaders Multisectoral Workshop – November 22-23
The two-day workshop comprised 39 Local government leaders from Mukono District in Uganda. The workshop aimed at enhancing Multisectoral collaboration among local government and to sensitize and increase knowledge and awareness of the SDGs among leaders for accelerated development.