Multisectoral discussion on sustainable development goals in DRC, Uganda and Somalia

Within the framework of the Sida funded project Capacity development project for sustainable development in fragile states 3 workshops were held. The workshops included 30 participants form different sectors and therefore created an arena for multisectoral discussions, something that has been missing in all 3 countries.

Project member Landry Egbende explains the workshop methodology for the participants at the SDG workshop in DRC.
The aim of the workshops was to identify, classify and determine the strength of interlinkages between SDGs in DRC, Uganda and Somalia. The SDG Synergies Approach which is a practical tool for understanding how groups of policy areas and targets interact was used to facilitate the process. 30 participants from different sectors, including government- and private-sectors, academia, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and civil society participated in discussions.

Project member and workshop participants at the SDG workshop in Uganda.
One of the most important outcomes from all three workshops was that they created an arena for multisectoral discussions, something that was missing in all three countries. Creating this arena is the first step in forming the national and regional multi-sectoral platforms that are planned in the program.

Project member Rage Adem gives introduction speech at the SDG workshop in Somalia.