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MIDWIZE graduation ceremony on May 1st 2024

Eight MIDWIZE participants from Uganda presented their projects during our final seminar held on-site in Kampala in May 2024. This year, they have studied implementing strategies as well as leadership and management in health care settings together with participants from Kenya, Ethiopia and Malawi. 

MIDWIZE graduation ceremony on May 1st 2024

MIDWIZE graduation ceremony on May 1st 2024

The MIDWIZE conceptual framework was used for the implementation of evidence-based midwife-led practices in three health facilities in the Kampala area. Our senior MIDWIZE ambassadors from Naguru hospital showed their competence and compassionate care in their training of new colleagues from the new health facilities, all supported by the ministry of health and hospital management. 

Birth seats in Kampala

Birth seats in Kampala

The results are promising, women receive more support, the adverse outcomes for mothers and babies were reduced and the staff appreciated the project. 

"We are specifically happy for the birth seats produced by a local carpenter in Kampala. He started making them for us three years ago and now he is the most talented birth seat carpenter we have ever seen!" says Helena Lindgren.

The mothers use them during labor and birth at the health facilities where the midwives have been trained on how to assist a woman giving birth in dynamic birth positions meaning all positions except lying on their back which affects both mother and baby in a negative way.

Next cohort of MIDWIZE will start in September with 28 participants from Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia. 

"We will continue scaling up the project, taking advantage of what has worked well and spread the change in the new health facilities around Kampala. The participants, coming from different sectors, will get training on how to lead quality improvements in the field of maternity care. We warmly welcome the participants and look forward to see them all in September!" says Helena Lindgren.